- Check visually and mark the area where leakage is observed.
- Remove the water from boiler
- Carry Out Dry Penetrant * (D.P) Examination Of Weld and about 25 To 30 mm Inside Circumferences of tube.
- If visual Examination or D.P Test confirms leakage is through tube, it means tubes is cracked and it must be replaced
- If the leakage is through weld mark the area from where leakage is observed
- Remove the defective weld completely
- Carry out D P test to confirm defect is removed completely
- Clean the area thoroughly and preheat the area to 100 deg minimum.
- Weld root pass using # E7018 @ 3.15 mm electrodes only
- After root pass carry out d.p test to confirm sound root
- Clean the area and again preheat to 100 Deg C. minimum
- Complete the welding using E 7018 @ 3.15 mm electrode
- Ensure cleaning between subsequent passes
- Carry out the D P test to confirm the weld
- Conduct the hydro test to confirm no leakage occurs
Alternatively E 6013 electrodes can be used if welder is not competent to use E 7018 electrodes. But preference should be given to e 7015 electrodes.
- Confirm holes on tube plate are free from any foreign particles e.g. spatters, grinding burr etc.
- Clean the tubes 2 inch on either end from oil, grease. Rust etc.
- Insert the tubes in position as per drawing
- Lightly expand tube to ensure no air gap between tube and tube plate contact surface.
- Clean the joint from grease, oil, rust etc.
- Preheat the area to 100 Deg C. minimum.
- Weld root pass with 3 E 7018 @ 3.15 mm electrodes only.
- Clean the weld thoroughly to remove slag, spatter etc
- Check visually root pass to ensure sound weld i.e. It is free from crack, lack of side wall fusion etc.
- Also carry out dye penetrant* (D P.) examination of free tubes, randomly selected, to ensure sound weld.
- If any defect in weld is observed in visual /or D P. test remove the defect by grinding follow steps nos. 05 to 10.
- Continue subsequent welding following step no 05 to 08
- After completion of welding carry out visual examination 100% & D P examination of few randomly selected welds.
- Conduct hydro test to confirm leak proof joint
- Tube projection beyond the front and plate should be 2.5 to 3 mm max
Alternatively E 6013 electrodes can be used if welder is not competent to use E 7018 electrodes. But preference should be given to e 7015 electrodes.
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